An online clinical codes repository to improve validity and reproducibility of medical database research

Research article:

Impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on incidence of tics in children and young people: a population-based cohort study


Ruth H Jack, Rebecca M Joseph, Carol Coupland, Charlotte L Hall, Chris Hollis(2022) Impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on incidence of tics in children and young people: a population-based cohort study . in preparation, doi:

Link to article
NOTE 1 - to recreate the code lists used, you will need to link the two code list types (Read and SNOMED) with the CPRD Aurum Medical dictionary and combine the results. Neither type of code list is complete on its own. NOTE 2 - the field 'code' was truncated to enable upload of the SNOMED code lists, so instead the field 'snomedctdescriptionid' contains the actual SNOMED code.
Author for correspondence
Rebecca Joseph
Email for correspondence

Code list: res192: adhd_snomed

20 codes in list

Code Coding system Description Entity type List name category snomedctdescriptionid
15516110 SNOMED Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder annual review diagnostic res192: adhd_snomed 1551611000000112
15517610 SNOMED ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) annual review diagnostic res192: adhd_snomed 1551761000000116
19278110 SNOMED Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder review diagnostic res192: adhd_snomed 1927811000006115
21632600 SNOMED ADHD - Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity diagnostic res192: adhd_snomed 2163260014
21632610 SNOMED Hyperkinetic disorder diagnostic res192: adhd_snomed 2163261013
21632620 SNOMED Hyperkinetic syndrome diagnostic res192: adhd_snomed 2163262018
21632640 SNOMED Overactive child syndrome diagnostic res192: adhd_snomed 2163264017
21632650 SNOMED Attention deficit hyperkinetic disorder diagnostic res192: adhd_snomed 2163265016
29561801 SNOMED Child attention deficit disorder diagnostic res192: adhd_snomed 295618015
29562201 SNOMED Hyperkinesis with developmental delay diagnostic res192: adhd_snomed 295622013
29562301 SNOMED Hyperkinetic conduct disorder diagnostic res192: adhd_snomed 295623015
34434201 SNOMED DAMP - Deficits in attention motor control and perception diagnostic res192: adhd_snomed 344342016
48610401 SNOMED ADD - Attention deficit disorder diagnostic res192: adhd_snomed 486104017
48610501 SNOMED ADD - Attention deficit disorder without hyperactivity diagnostic res192: adhd_snomed 486105016
48610701 SNOMED Attention deficit disorder without hyperactivity diagnostic res192: adhd_snomed 486107012
48610901 SNOMED Attention deficit without hyperactivity diagnostic res192: adhd_snomed 486109010
49391701 SNOMED Hyperactive behaviour diagnostic res192: adhd_snomed 493917012
58824018 SNOMED Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, predominantly inattentive type diagnostic res192: adhd_snomed 58824018
74301010 SNOMED Hyperkinesis diagnostic res192: adhd_snomed 74301010
94733100 SNOMED [X]Disturbance of activity and attention diagnostic res192: adhd_snomed 947331000000110

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