An online clinical codes repository to improve validity and reproducibility of medical database research

Research article:

Impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on incidence of tics in children and young people: a population-based cohort study


Ruth H Jack, Rebecca M Joseph, Carol Coupland, Charlotte L Hall, Chris Hollis(2022) Impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on incidence of tics in children and young people: a population-based cohort study . in preparation, doi:

Link to article
NOTE 1 - to recreate the code lists used, you will need to link the two code list types (Read and SNOMED) with the CPRD Aurum Medical dictionary and combine the results. Neither type of code list is complete on its own. NOTE 2 - the field 'code' was truncated to enable upload of the SNOMED code lists, so instead the field 'snomedctdescriptionid' contains the actual SNOMED code.
Author for correspondence
Rebecca Joseph
Email for correspondence

Code list: res192: autism_snomed

14 codes in list

Code Coding system Description Entity type List name category snomedctdescriptionid
11957701 SNOMED Heller's syndrome diagnostic res192: autism_snomed 119577010
24758780 SNOMED Atypical autistic syndrome diagnostic res192: autism_snomed 2475878013
24772010 SNOMED Kanner's syndrome diagnostic res192: autism_snomed 2477201014
25796330 SNOMED Autism diagnostic res192: autism_snomed 2579633010
28417680 SNOMED Asperger disorder diagnostic res192: autism_snomed 2841768012
29206540 SNOMED Autism disorder diagnostic res192: autism_snomed 2920654012
29210270 SNOMED Aspergers disorder diagnostic res192: autism_snomed 2921027015
29493501 SNOMED Active infantile autism diagnostic res192: autism_snomed 294935010
29493601 SNOMED Residual infantile autism diagnostic res192: autism_snomed 294936011
29516620 SNOMED Autism, childhood onset diagnostic res192: autism_snomed 2951662010
39566014 SNOMED Asperger's disorder diagnostic res192: autism_snomed 39566014
72722019 SNOMED Autistic disorder of childhood onset diagnostic res192: autism_snomed 72722019
72723012 SNOMED Childhood autism diagnostic res192: autism_snomed 72723012
85358100 SNOMED Autism diagnostic res192: autism_snomed 853581000006111

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