An online clinical codes repository to improve validity and reproducibility of medical database research

Research article:

Impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on incidence of tics in children and young people: a population-based cohort study


Ruth H Jack, Rebecca M Joseph, Carol Coupland, Charlotte L Hall, Chris Hollis(2022) Impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on incidence of tics in children and young people: a population-based cohort study . in preparation, doi:

Link to article
NOTE 1 - to recreate the code lists used, you will need to link the two code list types (Read and SNOMED) with the CPRD Aurum Medical dictionary and combine the results. Neither type of code list is complete on its own. NOTE 2 - the field 'code' was truncated to enable upload of the SNOMED code lists, so instead the field 'snomedctdescriptionid' contains the actual SNOMED code.
Author for correspondence
Rebecca Joseph
Email for correspondence

Code list: res192: ocd_snomed

31 codes in list

Code Coding system Description Entity type List name category snomedctdescriptionid
12289240 SNOMED Compulsive eating diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 1228924013
17957401 SNOMED Obsessive-compulsive personality trait diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 179574018
19950910 SNOMED HoNOS (Health of the Nation Outcome Scales) for working age adults rating scale 8c - obsessive-compu diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 1995091000006119
21467014 SNOMED Compulsive behavior diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 21467014
25122610 SNOMED HoNOS-LD (Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for People with Learning Disabilities) rating scale 3D diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 2512261000000110
25491820 SNOMED Compulsive drug taking diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 2549182017
25495370 SNOMED Compulsive uncontrollable drug taking diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 2549537011
26595110 SNOMED Signposting to OCD-UK (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder-UK) diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 2659511000000118
26595310 SNOMED Signposting to OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) Action diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 2659531000000114
29155240 SNOMED Obsessive compulsive inventory diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 2915524010
29162790 SNOMED Obsessive compulsive inventory score diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 2916279012
29501201 SNOMED Anankastic neurosis diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 295012015
29571270 SNOMED Obsessional personality disorder diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 2957127011
33131310 SNOMED RCADS (Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression Scale) Parent Version obsession compulsion score diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 3313131013
33132970 SNOMED RCADS (Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression Scale) obsessions compulsion score diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 3313297019
3403019 SNOMED Obsessive compulsive personality disorder diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 3403019
34698901 SNOMED Compulsive water drinking diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 346989014
37019001 SNOMED Compulsive checking diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 370190019
37019101 SNOMED Compulsive repeating diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 370191015
37019201 SNOMED Compulsive washing diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 370192010
37019301 SNOMED Compulsive handwashing diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 370193017
37019401 SNOMED Compulsive cleaning diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 370194011
37019501 SNOMED Compulsive hoarding diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 370195012
37019801 SNOMED Compulsive arrangement of objects diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 370198014
39022090 SNOMED Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 3902209016
42420901 SNOMED Compulsion to act on dangerous thoughts diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 424209014
47548601 SNOMED Anancastic personality disorder diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 475486014
47548701 SNOMED Obsessional personality diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 475487017
50073201 SNOMED Compulsive ritualistic behaviour diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 500732019
85320100 SNOMED Obsessional compulsive psychosis diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 853201000006116
94621013 SNOMED Abnormal compulsion diagnostic res192: ocd_snomed 94621013

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