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Research article:

Impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on incidence of tics in children and young people: a population-based cohort study


Ruth H Jack, Rebecca M Joseph, Carol Coupland, Charlotte L Hall, Chris Hollis(2022) Impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on incidence of tics in children and young people: a population-based cohort study . in preparation, doi:

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NOTE 1 - to recreate the code lists used, you will need to link the two code list types (Read and SNOMED) with the CPRD Aurum Medical dictionary and combine the results. Neither type of code list is complete on its own. NOTE 2 - the field 'code' was truncated to enable upload of the SNOMED code lists, so instead the field 'snomedctdescriptionid' contains the actual SNOMED code.
Author for correspondence
Rebecca Joseph
Email for correspondence

Code list: res192: stressreaction_snomed

41 codes in list

Code Coding system Description Entity type List name category snomedctdescriptionid
10162701 SNOMED Combat fatigue diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 101627011
11024501 SNOMED Adjustment disorder with mixed disturbance of emotions AND conduct diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 110245015
11164001 SNOMED Acute stress disorder diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 111640012
12304510 SNOMED Adjustment reaction with anxious mood diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 1230451012
12375101 SNOMED Grief reaction diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 123751014
13695810 SNOMED Other post-traumatic stress disorder diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 1369581000000112
14090401 SNOMED Adjustment disorder with disturbance of conduct diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 140904012
19765110 SNOMED Adjustment disorders, with predominant disturbance of other emotions diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 1976511000006119
19765210 SNOMED Adjustment disorders, with predominant disturbance of conduct diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 1976521000006110
19765610 SNOMED Adjustment disorders, with mixed disturbance of emotions and conduct diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 1976561000006116
19766310 SNOMED Adjustment disorders, with other specified predominant symptoms diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 1976631000006112
29517920 SNOMED Stress reaction causing mixed disturbance diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 2951792014
29547401 SNOMED Acute panic state due to acute stress reaction diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 295474019
29547501 SNOMED Acute fugue state due to acute stress reaction diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 295475018
29547601 SNOMED Acute stupor state due to acute stress reaction diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 295476017
29550301 SNOMED Culture shock diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 295503012
29550501 SNOMED Adjustment reaction with aggression diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 295505017
29550701 SNOMED Adjustment reaction with antisocial behaviour diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 295507013
29550801 SNOMED Adjustment reaction with destructiveness diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 295508015
29551101 SNOMED Concentration camp syndrome diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 295511019
29551301 SNOMED Adjustment reaction with physical symptoms diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 295513016
29551401 SNOMED Elective mutism due to an adjustment reaction diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 295514010
29551501 SNOMED Hospitalism diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 295515011
30136880 SNOMED Adjustment disorder with anxiety diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 3013688013
47808901 SNOMED Adjustment reaction diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 478089014
49484801 SNOMED Traumatic neurosis diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 494848013
49484901 SNOMED PTSD - Post-traumatic stress disorder diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 494849017
49485001 SNOMED Post-traumatic stress syndrome diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 494850017
49734301 SNOMED Adjustment reaction with mixed disturbance of emotion diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 497343017
50064701 SNOMED Acute crisis reaction diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 500647017
50064901 SNOMED Psychic shock diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 500649019
50065001 SNOMED Acute reaction to stress diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 500650019
50272701 SNOMED Bereavement reaction diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 502727013
50632401 SNOMED Adjustment reaction with predominant disturbance of conduct diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 506324018
78975018 SNOMED Adjustment disorder with anxious mood diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 78975018
79193014 SNOMED Posttraumatic stress disorder diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 79193014
88265100 SNOMED Chron post-traum stress dis diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 882651000006119
90970100 SNOMED [RFC] Post traumatic stress disorder diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 909701000006113
92542018 SNOMED Adjustment disorder with mixed emotional features diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 92542018
95129017 SNOMED Adjustment disorder with depressed mood diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 95129017
97286100 SNOMED ** Traumatic stress - effects of overwhelming experience diagnostic res192: stressreaction_snomed 972861000006118

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