An online clinical codes repository to improve validity and reproducibility of medical database research

Research article:

Adaptation and validation of the Charlson Index for Read/OXMIS coded databases


Nada F Khan, Rafael Perera, Stephen Harper, Peter W Rose(2010) Adaptation and validation of the Charlson Index for Read/OXMIS coded databases. BMC Family Practice, doi: 10.1186/1471-2296-11-1

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Background The Charlson comorbidity index is widely used in ICD-9 administrative data, however, there is no translation for Read/OXMIS coded data despite increasing use of the General Practice Research Database (GPRD). Our main objective was to translate the Charlson index for use with Read/OXMIS coded data such as the GPRD and test its association with mortality. We also aimed to provide a version of the comorbidity index for other researchers using similar datasets. Methods Two clinicians translated the Charlson index into Read/OXMIS codes. We tested the association between comorbidity score and increased mortality in 146 441 patients from the GPRD using proportional hazards models. Results This Read/OXMIS translation of the Charlson index contains 3156 codes. Our validation showed a strong positive association between Charlson score and age. Cox proportional models show a positive increasing association with mortality and Charlson score. The discrimination of the logistic regression model for mortality was good (AUC = 0.853). Conclusion We have translated a commonly used comorbidity index into Read/OXMIS for use in UK primary care databases. The translated index showed a good discrimination in our study population. This is the first study to develop a co-morbidity index for use with the Read/OXMIS coding system and the GPRD. A copy of the co-morbidity index is provided for other researchers using similar databases.
Author for correspondence
Nada F Khan
Email for correspondence

Code list: res27: Cancer

1769 codes in list

Code Coding system Description Entity type List name Charlson score weight
1409A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM LIP diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1409C Read/OXMIS LIP CARCINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1419A Read/OXMIS TONGUE TUMOUR MALIGNANT diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1419AA Read/OXMIS LINGUAL/TONGUE CANCER diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1419C Read/OXMIS TONGUE CARCINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1420A Read/OXMIS PAROTID MALIGNANT NEOPLASM diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1429B Read/OXMIS SALIVARY GLAND MALIGNANT NEOPLASM diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1429C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA SALIVARY GLAND diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1439A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM GUM diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
144 C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA MOUTH FLOOR diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1450A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM CHEEK INTERNAL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1450C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA MOUTH CHEEK INTERNAL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1459A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM MOUTH diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1459C Read/OXMIS MOUTH CARCINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1460A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM TONSIL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1460C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA TONSIL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1468A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM BRANCHIAL CLEFT diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
147 A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM ADENOID diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1480C Read/OXMIS POSTCRICOID CARCINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
149 A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM THROAT diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
149 AT Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM PHARYNX diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
149 C Read/OXMIS PHARYNX CARCINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
149 CT Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA THROAT diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
150 A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM OESOPHAGUS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
150 B Read/OXMIS SARCOMA OESOPHAGUS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
150 C Read/OXMIS OESOPHAGUS CARCINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1510A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM CARDIA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1519A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM STOMACH diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1519AA Read/OXMIS GASTRIC CANCER diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1519B Read/OXMIS SARCOMA STOMACH diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1519BL Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA STOMACH diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1519C Read/OXMIS STOMACH CARCINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1519CL Read/OXMIS LINITIS PLASTICA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1519DA Read/OXMIS ADENOCARCINOMA STOMACH diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1519L Read/OXMIS STOMACH LEIOMYBLASTOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1520A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM DUODENUM diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1520B Read/OXMIS SARCOMA DUODENUM diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1528LA Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM ILEUM diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1529A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM SMALL INTESTINE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1529B Read/OXMIS SARCOMA SMALL INTESTINE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1529BL Read/OXMIS LYMPHOSARCOMA SMALL INTESTINE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1529C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA SMALL INTESTINE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1530AC Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM CAECUM diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1530AD Read/OXMIS ADENOCARCINOMA ASCENDING COLON diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1530CC Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA CAECUM diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1533A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM SIGMOID diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1533AD Read/OXMIS ADENOCARCINOMA SIGMOID COLON diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1538A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM LARGE INTESTINE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1538AD Read/OXMIS ADENOCARCINOMA COLON diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1538B Read/OXMIS SARCOMA COLON diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1538C Read/OXMIS COLON CARCINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1538CN Read/OXMIS LARGE BOWEL CARCINOMA NONRECTAL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1539A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM BOWEL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1539AT Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM INTESTINE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1539C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA BOWEL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1541A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM RECTUM diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1541C Read/OXMIS RECTUM CARCINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1542A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM ANAL CANAL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1542C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA ANAL CANAL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1550A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM LIVER diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1550AP Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM LIVER PRIMARY diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1550B Read/OXMIS HEPATOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1550BP Read/OXMIS SARCOMA LIVER PRIMARY diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1550C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA LIVER diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1550HB Read/OXMIS HEPATOBLASTOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1551A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT CHOLANGIOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1551C Read/OXMIS CHOLANGIO CARCINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1560A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM GALLBLADDER diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1560C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA GALLBLADDER diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1561C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA EXTRAHEPATIC BILE DUCT diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1562A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM AMPULLA OF VATER diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1562C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA AMPULLA VATER diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1579A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM PANCREAS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1579C Read/OXMIS PANCREAS CARCINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1579CL Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA ISLETS OF LANGERHANS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1589MP Read/OXMIS MESOTHELIOMA PERITONEUM diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
159 Read/OXMIS GASTROINTESTINAL MALIGNANCY diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
159 C Read/OXMIS GASTROINTESTINAL CARCINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
159 CD Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA DIGESTIVE ORGAN diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1600A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM NOSE INTERNAL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1601A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM EAR INNER diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1601AC Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT CHOLESTEATOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1601AM Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM MASTOID diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1608A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM ETHMOID (SINUS) diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1610A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM VOCAL CORDS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1618A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM EPIGLOTTIS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1619A Read/OXMIS NEOPLASM MALIGNANT LARYNX diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1619C Read/OXMIS LARYNX CARCINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1619CV Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA VOCAL CORD diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1620A Read/OXMIS NEOPLASM MALIGNANT TRACHEA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1620C Read/OXMIS TRACHEA CARCINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1621A Read/OXMIS NEOPLASM MALIGNANT LUNG diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1621AB Read/OXMIS NEOPLASM MALIGNANT BRONCHUS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1621C Read/OXMIS LUNG CARCINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1621CB Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA BRONCHUS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1621D Read/OXMIS PANCOAST TUMOUR diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1630A Read/OXMIS PLEURA NEOPLASM MALIGNANT PRIMARY diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1631A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM MEDIASTINUM diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1639MA Read/OXMIS PLEURA MESOTHELIOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1700A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM SKULL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1700AM Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM MAXILLA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1701A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM MANDIBLE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1702P Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM SPINE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1703A Read/OXMIS STERNUM MALIGNANT TUMOUR diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1709A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM BONE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1709AC Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM CARTILAGE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1709AK Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM SKELETAL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1709B Read/OXMIS CHONDROSARCOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1709C Read/OXMIS EWING'S TUMOUR diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1709D Read/OXMIS SARCOMA OSTEOGENIC diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1710AC Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM CAROTID ARTERY diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1711AH Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM HEART diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1719 Read/OXMIS LYMPHANGIOSARCOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1719B Read/OXMIS SARCOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1719F Read/OXMIS FIBROSARCOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1719FB Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT FIBROBLASTOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1719H Read/OXMIS HAEMANGIOBLASTOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1719LM Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT LYMPHANGIOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1719M Read/OXMIS MYOSARCOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1719RB Read/OXMIS RHABDOMYOSARCOMA BUTTOCK diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1719RH Read/OXMIS RHABDOMYOSARCOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1723A Read/OXMIS NOSE EXTERNAL MALIGNANT NEOPLASM diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1723C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA NOSE EXTERNAL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1726AN Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT MELANOMA ANUS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1729 Read/OXMIS MELANOMA MALIGNANT diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1729B Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT MELANOMA SKIN diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1729L Read/OXMIS MOLE (SKIN) MALIGNANT diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1731AC Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM CANTHUS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1731AL Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM EYELID diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1732AC Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM AUDITORY CANAL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1733AC Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM CHEEK EXTERNAL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1733AF Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM FACE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1734AC Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM SCALP diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1735A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM SCROTUM diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1735C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA SCROTUM diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1735CP Read/OXMIS PAGET'S DISEASE SCROTUM diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1736AB Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM BUTTOCK diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1736AM Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM UMBILICUS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1736AN Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM ANUS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1736CN Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA ANUS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1739A Read/OXMIS SKIN NEOPLASM MALIGNANT diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1739B Read/OXMIS EPITHELIOMA BASAL CELL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1739BP Read/OXMIS BASAL CELL PAPILLOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1739C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA SKIN diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1739CM Read/OXMIS SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA SKIN diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1739CS Read/OXMIS SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
174 A Read/OXMIS NEOPLASM MALIGNANT BREAST diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
174 AN Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM NIPPLE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
174 C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA BREAST diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
174 CI Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA BREAST INDURATED diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
174 DC Read/OXMIS ADENOCARCINOMA BREAST diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
174 PB Read/OXMIS PAGET'S DISEASE BREAST diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
174 PN Read/OXMIS PAGET'S DISEASE NIPPLE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
180 A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM UTERUS CERVIX diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
180 C Read/OXMIS CERVIX UTERI CARCINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
181 C Read/OXMIS CHORIONEPITHELIOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1820A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM UTERUS CORPUS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1820C Read/OXMIS UTERUS BODY CARCINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1829A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM UTERUS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1829C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA UTERUS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1830A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM OVARY diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1830AD Read/OXMIS ADENOCARCINOMA OVARY diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1830AU Read/OXMIS ADENOCARCINOMA UTERUS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1830C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA OVARY diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1830T Read/OXMIS OVARIAN TUMOUR diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1830TT Read/OXMIS TERATOMA OVARY diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1840A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM VAGINA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1841A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM VULVA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1841AN Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM CANAL OF NUCK diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1841C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA VULVA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
185 A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM PROSTATE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
185 C Read/OXMIS PROSTATE CARCINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
185 CA Read/OXMIS ADENOCARCINOMA PROSTATE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
186 A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM TESTIS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
186 AN Read/OXMIS TUMOUR TESTIS SERTOLI CELL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
186 B Read/OXMIS SEMINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
186 BL Read/OXMIS TESTIS ADENOCARCINOMA INFANCY diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
186 C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA TESTIS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
186 CH Read/OXMIS EPITHELIOMA CHORION TESTIS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
186 EM Read/OXMIS EMBRYONAL CARCINOMA TESTIS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
186 NT Read/OXMIS TUMOUR TESTIS INTERSTITIAL CELL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
186 RC Read/OXMIS SARCOMA TESTIS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
186 T Read/OXMIS TERATOMA TESTIS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
186 TA Read/OXMIS TERATOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
186 TM Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT TERATOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1870A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM PENIS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1878 Read/OXMIS SARCOMA SPERMATIC CORD diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1878C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA SEMINAL VESICLES diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
188 A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM BLADDER diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
188 C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA BLADDER diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
188 CT Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA URINARY TRACT diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
188 RC Read/OXMIS SARCOMA URINARY BLADDER diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1890A Read/OXMIS NEOPLASM MALIGNANT KIDNEY diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1890AD Read/OXMIS ADENOCARCINOMA KIDNEY diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1890BL Read/OXMIS NEPHROBLASTOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1890C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA KIDNEY diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1890CH Read/OXMIS HYPERNEPHROMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1890HM Read/OXMIS HAMARTOMA FOETAL RENAL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1890MB Read/OXMIS MESOBLASTIC NEPHROMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1890NR Read/OXMIS NODULAR RENAL BLASTOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1890R Read/OXMIS SARCOMA KIDNEY diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1890W Read/OXMIS WILM'S TUMOUR diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1891C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA RENAL PELVIS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1892A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM URETER diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1892C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA URETER diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1899A Read/OXMIS URETHRAL MALIGNANT NEOPLASM diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1899C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA URETHRA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1899T Read/OXMIS NEOPLASM MALIGNANT URINARY TRACT diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
190 A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM EYE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
190 B Read/OXMIS RETINOBLASTOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
191 A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM CEREBRAL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
191 BC Read/OXMIS CEREBRAL NEOPLASM diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
191 MB Read/OXMIS MEDULLOBLASTOMA BRAIN diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1922A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM SPINAL CORD diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1923 Read/OXMIS MENINGIOMA SPINAL CORD MALIGNANT diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1924NF Read/OXMIS NEUROFIBROMATOSIS MALIGNANT diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1925GN Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT GANGLIONEUROMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1925NB Read/OXMIS NEUROBLASTOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1929A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM NERVOUS SYSTEM diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1929AC Read/OXMIS ASTROCYTOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1929D Read/OXMIS OLIGODENDROBLASTOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1929DG Read/OXMIS OLIGODENDROGLIOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1929EP Read/OXMIS EPENDYMOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1929GL Read/OXMIS GLIOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1929MN Read/OXMIS MENINGIOMA BRAIN MALIGNANT diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
193 A Read/OXMIS THYROID MALIGNANT NEOPLASM diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
193 AG Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT GOITRE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
193 C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA THYROID diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1940A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM ADRENAL GLAND diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1942A Read/OXMIS THYMUS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1942AM Read/OXMIS THYMOMA MALIGNANT diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1943A Read/OXMIS PITUITARY MALIGNANT NEOPLASM diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1950 Read/OXMIS INTRA-ABDOMINAL CANCER diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1950A Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM ABDOMEN diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1950MA Read/OXMIS MESOTHELIOMA ABDOMEN diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959AA Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM HEAD diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959AB Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM TEMPORAL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959AC Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM SUBMENTAL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959AD Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM PINNA EAR diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959AE Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM EAR EXTERNAL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959AF Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM AURICLE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959AG Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM NECK diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959BB Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM CHEST WALL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959BC Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM FLANK diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959BD Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM GROIN diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959BE Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM INGUINAL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959CA Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM ARM diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959CB Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM SHOULDER diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959CC Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM HAND diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959CD Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM WRIST diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959CE Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM THUMB diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959CF Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM FINGER diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959DA Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM LEG diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959DB Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM THIGH diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959DC Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM KNEE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959DD Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM ANKLE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959DE Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM FOOT diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1959DF Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM HEEL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1991A Read/OXMIS NEOPLASM MALIGNANT diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1991AD Read/OXMIS ADENOCARCINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1991C Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1991CR Read/OXMIS CARCINOMA RECURRENT diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1991M Read/OXMIS MALIGNANCY diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1991MC Read/OXMIS CANCER diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1991MR Read/OXMIS MALIGNANCY RECURRENT diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1991MT Read/OXMIS MESOTHELIOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1991NC Read/OXMIS CYLINDROMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
1992L Read/OXMIS LIPOSARCOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2000 Read/OXMIS SARCOMA RETICULUM-CELL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2001 Read/OXMIS LYMPHOSARCOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2001BL Read/OXMIS LYMPHOBLASTIC LYMPHOSARCOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
201 Read/OXMIS HODGKIN'S DISEASE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
201 G Read/OXMIS HODGKIN'S GRANULOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
201 MH Read/OXMIS NEOPLASM MALIGNANT HODGKIN'S diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
201 ML Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT LYMPHOGRANULOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2020 Read/OXMIS LYMPHOMA GIANT FOLLICULAR diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2020BB Read/OXMIS SYNDROME BRILL-BAEHR-ROSENTHAL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2020BR Read/OXMIS BRILL- SYMMERS DISEASE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2020FB Read/OXMIS FOLLICULAR LYMPHOBLASTOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2020FL Read/OXMIS FOLLICULAR LYMPHOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2020FR Read/OXMIS LYMPHOID FOLLICULAR RETICULOSIS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2021 Read/OXMIS MYCOSIS FUNGOIDES diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2022 Read/OXMIS LYMPHOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2022AF Read/OXMIS AFRICAN LYMPHOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2022BK Read/OXMIS LYMPHOMA BURKITT'S diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2022BM Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM BONE MARROW diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2022CL Read/OXMIS CHLOROMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2022GR Read/OXMIS SARCOMA GRANULOCYTIC diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2022LE Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT NEOPLASM SPLEEN diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2022LK Read/OXMIS LYMPHOMA LEUKAEMIC diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2022ML Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2029AL Read/OXMIS ADENOLYMPHOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2029CH Read/OXMIS LYMPHOMA; NON HODGKINS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2029LD Read/OXMIS LYMPHADENOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
203 Read/OXMIS MYELOMA MULTIPLE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
203 A Read/OXMIS SOLITARY MYELOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
203 FR Read/OXMIS FRANKLIN'S DISEASE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
203 HA Read/OXMIS HEAVY-CHAIN DISEASE (IGA TYPE) diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
203 HC Read/OXMIS HEAVY-CHAIN DISEASE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
203 HG Read/OXMIS HEAVY-CHAIN DISEASE (IGG TYPE) diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
203 KA Read/OXMIS KAHLER'S DISEASE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
203 N Read/OXMIS MYELOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
203 PL Read/OXMIS PLASMACYTOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
203 T Read/OXMIS MYELOMATOSIS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2040 Read/OXMIS LYMPHATIC LEUKAEMIA ACUTE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2041 Read/OXMIS LYMPHATIC LEUKAEMIA CHRONIC diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2049 Read/OXMIS LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKAEMIA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2049AD Read/OXMIS LEUKAEMIC ADENIA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2049AT Read/OXMIS ADENITIS LEUKAEMIC diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2050 Read/OXMIS MYELOID LEUKAEMIA ACUTE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2050DR Read/OXMIS SYNDROME DREYFUS' diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2050MB Read/OXMIS LEUKAEMIA MYELOBLASTIC ACUTE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2050MM Read/OXMIS LEUKAEMIA MYELOMONOCYTIC ACUTE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2050PM Read/OXMIS LEUKAEMIA PROMYELOCYTIC ACUTE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2051 Read/OXMIS MYELOID LEUKAEMIA CHRONIC diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2051GR Read/OXMIS LEUKAEMIA GRANULOCYTIC CHRONIC diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2051MC Read/OXMIS LEUKAEMIA MYELOCYTIC CHRONIC diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2059BA Read/OXMIS LEUKAEMIA BASOPHILIC diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2059E Read/OXMIS LEUKAEMIA EOSINOPHILIC diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2059M Read/OXMIS MYELOID LEUKAEMIA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2059MB Read/OXMIS MYELOBLASTIC LEUKAEMIA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2059MC Read/OXMIS MYELOCYTIC LEUKAEMIA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2059MP Read/OXMIS MYELOPROLIFERATING DISORDER diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2059NT Read/OXMIS LEUKAEMIA NEUTROPHILIC diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2060 Read/OXMIS MONOCYTIC LEUKAEMIA ACUTE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2061 Read/OXMIS MONOCYTIC LEUKAEMIA CHRONIC diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2062 Read/OXMIS LEUKAEMIA HAIRY CELL TYPE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2069 Read/OXMIS LEUKAEMIA MONOCYTIC diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2070 Read/OXMIS LEUKAEMIA ACUTE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2070BL Read/OXMIS LEUKAEMIA BLAST CELL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2070BM Read/OXMIS LEUKAEMIA STEM CELL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2070MA Read/OXMIS MASTOCYTOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2070MC Read/OXMIS MASTOCYTOSIS SYSTEMIC diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2070MG Read/OXMIS MEGAKARYOCYTIC LEUKAEMIA ACUTE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2070MM Read/OXMIS MALIGNANT MASTOCYTOSIS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2071 Read/OXMIS LEUKAEMIA CHRONIC diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2072AE Read/OXMIS ERYTHRAEMIA ACUTE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2072DG Read/OXMIS DI GUGLIELMO'S DISEASE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2072EL Read/OXMIS ERYTHROLEUKAEMIA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2072MA Read/OXMIS ERYTHRAEMIC MYELOSIS ACUTE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2079 Read/OXMIS LEUKAEMIA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2079AL Read/OXMIS ALEUKAEMIC LEUKAEMIA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2079ED Read/OXMIS LEUKAEMIC ERYTHRODERMIA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2079MK Read/OXMIS MEGAKARYOCYTIC LEUKAEMIA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2079PC Read/OXMIS LEUKAEMIA PLASMA CELL diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
208 Read/OXMIS POLYCYTHAEMIA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
208 BL Read/OXMIS ERYTHROBLASTOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
208 CE Read/OXMIS ERYTHRAEMIA CHRONIC diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
208 HC Read/OXMIS HEILMEYER-SCHONER DISEASE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
208 RV Read/OXMIS POLYCYTHAEMIA RUBRA VERA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
208 VA Read/OXMIS VAQUEZ' DISEASE diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
209 Read/OXMIS MYELOFIBROSIS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
209 CL Read/OXMIS MYELOSCLEROSIS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2102A Read/OXMIS SALIVARY ADENOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2102AP Read/OXMIS PAROTID GLAND ADENOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2102MP Read/OXMIS TUMOUR MIXED PAROTID diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2104AD Read/OXMIS ADAMANTINOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2104CM Read/OXMIS ACANTHOAMELOBLASTOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2104DN Read/OXMIS ODONTOMA diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
2104EP Read/OXMIS EPULIS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B....00 Read/OXMIS Neoplasms diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B0...00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lip; oral cavity and pharynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B00..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lip diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B000.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of upper lip; vermilion border diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B000000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of upper lip; external diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B000100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of upper lip; lipstick area diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B000z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of upper lip; vermilion border NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B001.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower lip; vermilion border diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B001000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower lip; external diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B00..11 Read/OXMIS Carcinoma of lip diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B001100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower lip; lipstick area diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B001z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower lip; vermilion border NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B002.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of upper lip; inner aspect diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B002000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of upper lip; buccal aspect diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B002100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of upper lip; frenulum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B002200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of upper lip; mucosa diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B002300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of upper lip; oral aspect diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B002z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of upper lip; inner aspect NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B003.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower lip; inner aspect diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B003000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower lip; buccal aspect diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B003100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower lip; frenulum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B003200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower lip; mucosa diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B003300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower lip; oral aspect diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B003z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower lip; inner aspect NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B004.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lip unspecified; inner aspect diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B004000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lip unspecified; buccal aspect diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B004100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lip unspecified; frenulum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B004200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lip unspecified; mucosa diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B004300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lip; oral aspect diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B004z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lip; inner aspect NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B005.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of commissure of lip diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B006.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of lip diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B007.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lip; unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B00y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other sites of lip diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B00z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of vermilion border of lip unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B00z000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lip; unspecified; external diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B00z100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lip; unspecified; lipstick area diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B00zz00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lip; vermilion border NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B01..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of tongue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B010.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B010000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue dorsal surface diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B010.11 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of posterior third of tongue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B010z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of fixed part of tongue NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B0...11 Read/OXMIS Carcinoma of lip; oral cavity and pharynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B011.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of dorsal surface of tongue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B011000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of anterior 2/3 of tongue dorsal surface diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B011100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of midline of tongue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B011z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of dorsum of tongue NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B012.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of tongue; tip and lateral border diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B013.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of ventral surface of tongue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B013000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of anterior 2/3 of tongue ventral surface diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B013100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of frenulum linguae diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B013z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of ventral tongue surface NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B014.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of anterior 2/3 of tongue unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B015.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of tongue; junctional zone diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B016.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lingual tonsil diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B017.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant overlapping lesion of tongue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B01y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other sites of tongue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B01z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of tongue NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B02..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of major salivary glands diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B020.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of parotid gland diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B021.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of submandibular gland diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B022.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of sublingual gland diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B023.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlapping lesion of major saliv gland diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B02y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other major salivary glands diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B02z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of major salivary gland NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B03..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of gum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B030.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of upper gum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B031.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower gum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B03y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other sites of gum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B03z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of gum NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B04..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B040.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of anterior portion of floor of mouth diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B041.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lateral portion of floor of mouth diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B042.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlapping lesion of floor of mouth diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B04y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other sites of floor of mouth diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B04z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B05..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouth diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B050.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cheek mucosa diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B050.11 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of buccal mucosa diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B051.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of mouth diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B051000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of upper buccal sulcus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B051100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower buccal sulcus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B051200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of upper labial sulcus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B051300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower labial sulcus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B051z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of mouth NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B052.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of hard palate diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B053.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of soft palate diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B054.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of uvula diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B055.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of palate unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B055000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of junction of hard and soft palate diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B055100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of roof of mouth diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B055z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of palate NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B056.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of retromolar area diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B057.00 Read/OXMIS Overlapping lesion of other and unspecified parts of mouth diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B05y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other specified mouth parts diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B05z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of mouth NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B05z000 Read/OXMIS Kaposi's sarcoma of palate diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B06..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B060.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of tonsil diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B060000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of faucial tonsil diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B060100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of palatine tonsil diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B060200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of tonsil diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B060z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm tonsil NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B061.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar fossa diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B062.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar pillar diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B062000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of faucial pillar diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B062100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of glossopalatine fold diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B062200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of palatoglossal arch diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B062300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of palatopharyngeal arch diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B062z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar fossa NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B063.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of vallecula diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B064.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of anterior epiglottis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B064000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of epiglottis; free border diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B064100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of glossoepiglottic fold diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B064z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of anterior epiglottis NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B065.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of junctional region of epiglottis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B066.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of oropharynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B067.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of oropharynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B06y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx; other specified sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B06y000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of branchial cleft diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B06yz00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of oropharynx NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B06z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B07..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B070.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of roof of nasopharynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B071.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B071000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of adenoid diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B071100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pharyngeal tonsil diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B071z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B072.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B072000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pharyngeal recess diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B072100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of opening of auditory tube diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B072z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B073.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B073000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of floor of nasopharynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B073100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of nasopharyngeal soft palate surface diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B073200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm posterior margin nasal septum and choanae diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B073z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B074.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlapping lesion of nasopharynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B07y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of nasopharynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B07z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B08..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B080.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of postcricoid region diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B081.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pyriform sinus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B082.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm aryepiglottic fold; hypopharyngeal aspect diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B083.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of posterior pharynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B084.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlapping lesion of hypopharynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B08y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other specified hypopharyngeal site diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B08z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B0z..00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop other/ill-defined sites lip; oral cavity; pharynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B0z0.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pharynx unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B0z1.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of Waldeyer's ring diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B0z2.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of laryngopharynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B0zy.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other sites lip; oral cavity; pharynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B0zz.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lip; oral cavity and pharynx NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B1...00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of digestive organs and peritoneum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B10..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B100.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cervical oesophagus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B101.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of thoracic oesophagus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B102.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of abdominal oesophagus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B103.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of upper third of oesophagus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B104.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of middle third of oesophagus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B105.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower third of oesophagus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B106.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlapping lesion of oesophagus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B10y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other specified part of oesophagus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B10z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B10z.11 Read/OXMIS Oesophageal cancer diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B....11 Read/OXMIS Cancers diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B11..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of stomach diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B110.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cardia of stomach diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B110000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cardiac orifice of stomach diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B110100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cardio-oesophageal junction of stomach diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B110111 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of gastro-oesophageal junction diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B110z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cardia of stomach NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B1...11 Read/OXMIS Carcinoma of digestive organs and peritoneum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B111.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pylorus of stomach diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B111000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of prepylorus of stomach diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B11..11 Read/OXMIS Gastric neoplasm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B111100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pyloric canal of stomach diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B111z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pylorus of stomach NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B112.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pyloric antrum of stomach diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B113.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of fundus of stomach diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B114.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of body of stomach diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B115.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lesser curve of stomach unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B116.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of greater curve of stomach unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B117.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlapping lesion of stomach diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B11y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of stomach diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B11y000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of stomach NEC diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B11y100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of stomach NEC diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B11yz00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of stomach NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B11z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of stomach NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B12..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of small intestine and duodenum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B120.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of duodenum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B121.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of jejunum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B122.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of ileum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B123.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of Meckel's diverticulum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B124.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlapping lesion of small intestine diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B12y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other specified site small intestine diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B12z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of small intestine NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B13..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of colon diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B130.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of hepatic flexure of colon diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B131.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of transverse colon diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B132.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of descending colon diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B133.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of sigmoid colon diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B134.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of caecum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B134.11 Read/OXMIS Carcinoma of caecum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B135.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of appendix diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B136.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of ascending colon diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B137.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of splenic flexure of colon diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B138.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlapping lesion of colon diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B13y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of colon diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B13z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of colon NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B13z.11 Read/OXMIS Colonic cancer diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B14..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of rectum; rectosigmoid junction and anus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B140.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B141.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of rectum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B141.11 Read/OXMIS Carcinoma of rectum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B141.12 Read/OXMIS Rectal carcinoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B142.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of anal canal diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B142000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cloacogenic zone diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B142.11 Read/OXMIS Anal carcinoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B143.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of anus unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B14y.00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop other site rectum; rectosigmoid junction and anus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B14z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm rectum;rectosigmoid junction and anus NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B15..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B150.00 Read/OXMIS Primary malignant neoplasm of liver diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B150000 Read/OXMIS Primary carcinoma of liver diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B150100 Read/OXMIS Hepatoblastoma of liver diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B150200 Read/OXMIS Primary angiosarcoma of liver diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B150300 Read/OXMIS Hepatocellular carcinoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B150z00 Read/OXMIS Primary malignant neoplasm of liver NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B151.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic bile ducts diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B151000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of interlobular bile ducts diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B151100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of interlobular biliary canals diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B151200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic biliary passages diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B151300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic canaliculi diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B151400 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic gall duct diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B151z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic bile ducts NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B152.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of liver unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B15z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B16..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B160.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B160.11 Read/OXMIS Carcinoma gallbladder diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B161.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of extrahepatic bile ducts diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B161000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cystic duct diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B161100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of hepatic duct diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B161200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of common bile duct diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B161211 Read/OXMIS Carcinoma common bile duct diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B161300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of sphincter of Oddi diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B161z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of extrahepatic bile ducts NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B162.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of ampulla of Vater diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B163.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlapping lesion of biliary tract diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B16y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm other gallbladder/extrahepatic bile duct diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B16z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm gallbladder/extrahepatic bile ducts NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B17..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pancreas diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B170.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of head of pancreas diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B171.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of body of pancreas diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B172.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of tail of pancreas diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B173.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pancreatic duct diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B174.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of Islets of Langerhans diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B175.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlapping lesion of pancreas diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B17y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of pancreas diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B17y000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of ectopic pancreatic tissue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B17yz00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of specified site of pancreas NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B17z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pancreas NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B18..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B180.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B180000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of periadrenal tissue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B180100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of perinephric tissue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B180200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of retrocaecal tissue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B180z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B181.00 Read/OXMIS Mesothelioma of peritoneum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B182.00 Read/OXMIS Overlapping malign lesion of retroperitoneum and peritoneum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B18y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of specified parts of peritoneum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B18y000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of mesocolon diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B18y100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of mesocaecum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B18y200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of mesorectum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B18y300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of omentum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B18y400 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of parietal peritoneum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B18y500 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pelvic peritoneum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B18y600 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of the pouch of Douglas diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B18y700 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of mesentery diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B18yz00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of specified parts of peritoneum NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B18z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B1z..00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop oth/ill-defined sites digestive tract/peritoneum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B1z0.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of intestinal tract; part unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B1z0.11 Read/OXMIS Cancer of bowel diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B1z1.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of spleen NEC diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B1z1000 Read/OXMIS Angiosarcoma of spleen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B1z1100 Read/OXMIS Fibrosarcoma of spleen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B1z1z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of spleen NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B1z2.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlapping lesion of digestive system diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B1zy.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm other spec digestive tract and peritoneum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B1zz.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of digestive tract and peritoneum NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B2...00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of respiratory tract and intrathoracic organs diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B20..00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop nasal cavities; middle ear and accessory sinuses diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B200.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavities diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B200000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cartilage of nose diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B200100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of nasal conchae diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B200200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of septum of nose diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B200300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of nose diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B200z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavities NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B201.00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop auditory tube; middle ear and mastoid air cells diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B201000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of auditory (Eustachian) tube diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B201100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of tympanic cavity diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B201200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of tympanic antrum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B201300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of mastoid air cells diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B201z00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop auditory tube; middle ear; mastoid air cells NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B202.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of maxillary sinus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B203.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of ethmoid sinus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B204.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of frontal sinus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B205.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of sphenoidal sinus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B206.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlapping lesion of accessory sinuses diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B20y.00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop other site nasal cavity; middle ear and sinuses diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B20z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of accessory sinus NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B21..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of larynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B210.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of glottis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B2...11 Read/OXMIS Carcinoma of respiratory tract and intrathoracic organs diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B211.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of supraglottis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B212.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of subglottis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B213.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilage diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B213000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of arytenoid cartilage diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B213100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cricoid cartilage diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B213200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cuneiform cartilage diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B213300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of thyroid cartilage diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B213z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilage NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B214.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlapping lesion of larynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B215.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of epiglottis NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B21y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of larynx; other specified site diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B21z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of larynx NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B22..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of trachea; bronchus and lung diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B220.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of trachea diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B220000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cartilage of trachea diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B220100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of mucosa of trachea diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B220z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of trachea NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B221.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B221000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of carina of bronchus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B221100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of hilus of lung diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B221z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B222.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe; bronchus or lung diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B222000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe bronchus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B222100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe of lung diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B222.11 Read/OXMIS Pancoast's syndrome diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B222z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe; bronchus or lung NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B223.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe; bronchus or lung diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B223000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe bronchus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B223100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe of lung diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B223z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe; bronchus or lung NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B224.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe; bronchus or lung diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B224000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe bronchus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B224100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe of lung diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B224z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe; bronchus or lung NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B225.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of bronchus & lung diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B226.00 Read/OXMIS Mesothelioma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B22y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other sites of bronchus or lung diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B22z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of bronchus or lung NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B22z.11 Read/OXMIS Lung cancer diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B23..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pleura diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B230.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of parietal pleura diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B231.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of visceral pleura diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B232.00 Read/OXMIS Mesothelioma of pleura diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B23y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other specified pleura diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B23z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pleura NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B24..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of thymus; heart and mediastinum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B240.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of thymus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B241.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of heart diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B241000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of endocardium diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B241100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of epicardium diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B241200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of myocardium diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B241300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pericardium diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B241400 Read/OXMIS Mesothelioma of pericardium diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B241z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of heart NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B242.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of anterior mediastinum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B243.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of posterior mediastinum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B24X.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of mediastinum; part unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B24y.00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of other site of heart; thymus and mediastinum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B24z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of heart; thymus and mediastinum NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B25..00 Read/OXMIS Malig neo; overlapping lesion of heart; mediastinum & pleura diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B26..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlap lesion of resp & intrathor orgs diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B2z..00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop other/ill-defined sites resp/intrathoracic organs diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B2z0.00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of upper respiratory tract; part unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B2zy.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other site of respiratory tract diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B2zz.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of respiratory tract NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B3...00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of bone; connective tissue; skin and breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B30..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B300.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of bones of skull and face diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B300000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of ethmoid bone diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B300100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of frontal bone diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B300200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of malar bone diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B300300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of nasal bone diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B300400 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of occipital bone diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B300500 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of orbital bone diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B300600 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of parietal bone diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B300700 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of sphenoid bone diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B300800 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of temporal bone diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B300900 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of zygomatic bone diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B300A00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of maxilla diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B300C00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of vomer diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B300z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of bones of skull and face NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B301.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of mandible diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B30..11 Read/OXMIS Chondroma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B30..12 Read/OXMIS Osteoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B302.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of vertebral column diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B302000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cervical vertebra diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B302100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of thoracic vertebra diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B302200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lumbar vertebra diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B302z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of vertebral column NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B303.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of ribs; sternum and clavicle diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B303000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of rib diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B303100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of sternum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B303200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of clavicle diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B303300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of costal cartilage diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B303400 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of costo-vertebral joint diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B303500 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of xiphoid process diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B303z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of rib; sternum and clavicle NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B304.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of scapula and long bones of upper arm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B304000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of scapula diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B304100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of acromion diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B304200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of humerus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B304300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of radius diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B304400 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of ulna diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B304z00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of scapula and long bones of upper arm NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B305.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of hand bones diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B305000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - scaphoid diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B305100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - lunate diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B305.11 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of carpal bones diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B305.12 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of metacarpal bones diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B305200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - triquetrum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B305300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - pisiform diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B305400 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - trapezium diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B305500 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - trapezoid diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B305600 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - capitate diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B305700 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - hamate diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B305800 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of first metacarpal bone diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B305900 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of second metacarpal bone diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B305A00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of third metacarpal bone diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B305C00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of fifth metacarpal bone diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B305D00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of phalanges of hand diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B305z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of hand bones NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B306.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pelvic bones; sacrum and coccyx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B306000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of ilium diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B306100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of ischium diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B306200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pubis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B306300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of sacral vertebra diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B306400 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of coccygeal vertebra diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B306500 Read/OXMIS Malignant sacral teratoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B306z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pelvis; sacrum or coccyx NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B307.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of long bones of leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B307000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of femur diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B307100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of fibula diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B307200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of tibia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B307z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of long bones of leg NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B308.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of short bones of leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B308000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of patella diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B308100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of talus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B308.11 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of metatarsal bones of foot diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B308200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of calcaneum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B308300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of medial cuneiform diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B308400 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of intermediate cuneiform diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B308500 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lateral cuneiform diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B308600 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cuboid diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B308700 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of navicular diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B308800 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of first metatarsal bone diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B308900 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of second metatarsal bone diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B308A00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of third metatarsal bone diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B308C00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of fifth metatarsal bone diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B308D00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of phalanges of foot diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B308z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of short bones of leg NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B309.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlap les bone and artic cart of limbs diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B30W.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm/overlap lesion/bone??? cartilage diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B30X.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm/bones??? cartilage/limb;unspfd diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B30z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B30z000 Read/OXMIS Osteosarcoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B31..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B310.00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of connective and soft tissue head; face and neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B310000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of soft tissue of head diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B310100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of soft tissue of face diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B310200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of soft tissue of neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B310300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cartilage of ear diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B310400 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of tarsus of eyelid diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B310500 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm soft tissues of cervical spine diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B310z00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop connective and soft tissue head; face; neck NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B3...11 Read/OXMIS Carcinoma of bone; connective tissue; skin and breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B311.00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop connective and soft tissue upper limb/shoulder diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B311000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of shoulder diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B311100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue; upper arm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B311200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of fore-arm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B311300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of hand diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B311400 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of finger diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B311500 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of thumb diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B311z00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop connective soft tissue upper limb/shoulder NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B3...12 Read/OXMIS Sarcoma of bone and connective tissue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B312.00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of hip and leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B312000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of hip diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B312100 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of connective and soft tissue thigh and upper leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B312200 Read/OXMIS Malig neop connective and soft tissue of popliteal space diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B312300 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of lower leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B312400 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of foot diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B312500 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of toe diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B312600 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of great toe diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B312z00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop connective and soft tissue hip and leg NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B313.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of thorax diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B313000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of axilla diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B313100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of diaphragm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B313200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of great vessels diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B313300 Read/OXMIS Malig neoplasm of connective and soft tissues of thor spine diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B313z00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of thorax NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B314.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of abdomen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B314000 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of abdominal wall diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B314100 Read/OXMIS Malig neoplasm of connective and soft tissues of lumb spine diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B314z00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of abdomen NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B315.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of pelvis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B315000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of buttock diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B315100 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of inguinal region diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B315200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of perineum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B315300 Read/OXMIS Malig neopl of connective and soft tissue - sacrum or coccyx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B315z00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of pelvis NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B316.00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of connective and soft tissue trunk unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B317.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlap lesion connective & soft tissue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B31y.00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop connective and soft tissue other specified site diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B31z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue; site NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B31z000 Read/OXMIS Kaposi's sarcoma of soft tissue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B32..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of skin diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B320.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of lip diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B321.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of eyelid including canthus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B322.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of ear and external auricular canal diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B322000 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of auricle (ear) diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B322100 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of external auditory meatus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B322z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of ear and external auricular canal NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B323.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of other and unspecified parts of face diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B323000 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of external surface of cheek diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B323100 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of chin diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B323200 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of eyebrow diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B323300 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of forehead diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B323400 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of external surface of nose diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B323500 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of temple diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B323z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of face NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B324.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of scalp and neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B324000 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of scalp diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B324100 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B324z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of scalp and neck NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B325.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of trunk (excluding scrotum) diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B325000 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of axilla diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B325100 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B325200 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of buttock diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B325300 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of groin diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B325400 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of perianal skin diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B325500 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of perineum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B325600 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of umbilicus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B325700 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of back diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B325800 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of chest wall diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B325z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of trunk; excluding scrotum; NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B326.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of upper limb and shoulder diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B326000 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of shoulder diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B326100 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of upper arm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B326200 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of fore-arm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B326300 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of hand diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B326400 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of finger diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B326500 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of thumb diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B326z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of upper limb or shoulder NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B327.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of lower limb and hip diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B327000 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of hip diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B327100 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of thigh diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B327200 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of knee diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B327300 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of popliteal fossa area diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B327400 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of lower leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B327500 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of ankle diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B327600 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of heel diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B327700 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of foot diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B327800 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of toe diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B327900 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of great toe diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B327z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of lower limb or hip NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B32y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of other specified skin site diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B32y000 Read/OXMIS Overlapping malignant melanoma of skin diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B32z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant melanoma of skin NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B33..00 Read/OXMIS Other malignant neoplasm of skin diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B330.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of lip diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B331.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of eyelid including canthus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B331000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of canthus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B331100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of upper eyelid diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B33..12 Read/OXMIS Epithelioma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B331200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower eyelid diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B33..14 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of sebaceous gland diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B33..15 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of sweat gland diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B332.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm skin of ear and external auricular canal diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B332000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of auricle (ear) diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B332100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of external auditory meatus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B332200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pinna NEC diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B332z00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop skin of ear and external auricular canal NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B333.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm skin of other and unspecified parts face diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B333000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of cheek; external diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B333100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of chin diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B333200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of eyebrow diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B333300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of forehead diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B333400 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of nose (external) diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B333500 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of temple diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B333z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm skin other and unspec part of face NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B334.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of scalp and skin of neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B334000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of scalp diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B334100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B334z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of scalp or skin of neck NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B335.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of trunk; excluding scrotum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B335000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of axillary fold diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B335100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of chest; excluding breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B335200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B335300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of abdominal wall diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B335400 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of umbilicus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B335500 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of groin diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B335600 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of perineum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B335700 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of back diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B335800 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of buttock diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B335900 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of perianal skin diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B335A00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of scapular region diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B335z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of trunk; excluding scrotum; NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B336.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of upper limb and shoulder diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B336000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of shoulder diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B336100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of upper arm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B336200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of fore-arm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B336300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of hand diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B336400 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of finger diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B336500 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of thumb diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B336z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of upper limb or shoulder NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B337.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of lower limb and hip diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B337000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of hip diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B337100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of thigh diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B337200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of knee diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B337300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of popliteal fossa area diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B337400 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of lower leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B337500 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of ankle diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B337600 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of heel diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B337700 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of foot diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B337800 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of toe diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B337900 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of great toe diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B337z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin of lower limb or hip NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B339.00 Read/OXMIS Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B33X.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion of skin diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B33y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other specified skin sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B33z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of skin NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B33z000 Read/OXMIS Kaposi's sarcoma of skin diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B34..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of female breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B340.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola of female breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B340000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of nipple of female breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B340100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of areola of female breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B340z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of nipple or areola of female breast NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B341.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of central part of female breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B34..11 Read/OXMIS Ca female breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B342.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of upper-inner quadrant of female breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B343.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower-inner quadrant of female breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B344.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of female breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B345.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower-outer quadrant of female breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B346.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of axillary tail of female breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B347.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlapping lesion of breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B34y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other site of female breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B34y000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of ectopic site of female breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B34yz00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other site of female breast NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B34z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of female breast NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B35..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of male breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B350.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola of male breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B350000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of nipple of male breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B350100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of areola of male breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B350z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of nipple or areola of male breast NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B35z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other site of male breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B35z000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of ectopic site of male breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B35zz00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of male breast NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B3y..00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of bone; connective tissue; skin and breast OS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B3z..00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of bone; connective tissue; skin and breast NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B4...00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of genitourinary organ diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B40..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of uterus; part unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B41..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B410.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of endocervix diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B410000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of endocervical canal diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B410100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of endocervical gland diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B410z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of endocervix NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B4...11 Read/OXMIS Carcinoma of genitourinary organ diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B411.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of exocervix diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B41..11 Read/OXMIS Cervical carcinoma (uterus) diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B412.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlapping lesion of cervix uteri diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B41y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other site of cervix diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B41y000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cervical stump diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B41y100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of squamocolumnar junction of cervix diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B41yz00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other site of cervix NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B41z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B42..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of placenta diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B420.00 Read/OXMIS Choriocarcinoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B43..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of body of uterus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B430.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri; excluding isthmus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B430000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cornu of corpus uteri diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B430100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of fundus of corpus uteri diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B430200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of endometrium of corpus uteri diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B430211 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of endometrium diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B430300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of myometrium of corpus uteri diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B430z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B431.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of isthmus of uterine body diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B431000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower uterine segment diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B431z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of isthmus of uterine body NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B432.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of corpus uteri diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B43y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other site of uterine body diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B43z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of body of uterus NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B44..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of ovary and other uterine adnexa diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B440.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of ovary diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B440.11 Read/OXMIS Cancer of ovary diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B441.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of fallopian tube diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B442.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of broad ligament diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B443.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of parametrium diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B444.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of round ligament diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B44y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other site of uterine adnexa diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B44z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of uterine adnexa NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B45..00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of other and unspecified female genital organs diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B450.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of vagina diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B450000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of Gartner's duct diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B450100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of vaginal vault diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B450z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of vagina NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B451.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of labia majora diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B451000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of greater vestibular (Bartholin's) gland diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B451z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of labia majora NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B452.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of labia minora diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B453.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of clitoris diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B454.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of vulva unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B454.11 Read/OXMIS Primary vulval cancer diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B45X.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm/overlapping lesion/feml genital organs diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B45y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other specified female genital organ diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B45y000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of vulva diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B45z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of female genital organ NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B46..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of prostate diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B47..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of testis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B470.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B470000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of ectopic testis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B470100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of retained testis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B470200 Read/OXMIS Seminoma of undescended testis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B470300 Read/OXMIS Teratoma of undescended testis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B470z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B471.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of descended testis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B471000 Read/OXMIS Seminoma of descended testis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B471100 Read/OXMIS Teratoma of descended testis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B47z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of testis NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B47z.11 Read/OXMIS Seminoma of testis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B47z.12 Read/OXMIS Teratoma of testis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B48..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of penis and other male genital organs diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B480.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of prepuce (foreskin) diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B481.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of glans penis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B482.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of body of penis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B483.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of penis; part unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B484.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of epididymis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B485.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of spermatic cord diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B486.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of scrotum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B487.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlapping lesion of penis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B48y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other male genital organ diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B48y000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of seminal vesicle diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B48y100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of tunica vaginalis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B48y200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlapping lesion male genital orgs diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B48yz00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other male genital organ NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B48z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of penis and other male genital organ NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B49..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of urinary bladder diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B490.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of trigone of urinary bladder diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B491.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of dome of urinary bladder diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B492.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of urinary bladder diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B493.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of urinary bladder diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B494.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of urinary bladder diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B495.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of bladder neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B496.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B497.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of urachus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B49y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other site of urinary bladder diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B49y000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlapping lesion of bladder diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B49z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of urinary bladder NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B4A..00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of kidney and other unspecified urinary organs diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B4A0.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of kidney parenchyma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B4A0000 Read/OXMIS Hypernephroma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B4A1.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B4A1000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of renal calyces diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B4A..11 Read/OXMIS Renal malignant neoplasm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B4A1100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of ureteropelvic junction diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B4A1z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B4A2.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of ureter diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B4A3.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of urethra diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B4A4.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of paraurethral glands diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B4Ay.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other urinary organs diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B4Ay000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of urinary organs diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B4Az.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of kidney or urinary organs NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B4y..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of genitourinary organ OS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B4z..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of genitourinary organ NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B5...00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B50..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of eye diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B500.00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop eyeball excl conjunctiva; cornea; retina; choroid diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B500000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of ciliary body diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B500100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of iris diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B500200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of crystalline lens diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B500300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of sclera diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B500z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of eyeball NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B501.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of orbit diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B501000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of connective tissue of orbit diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B501100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of extraocular muscle of orbit diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B501z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of orbit NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B502.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal gland diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B503.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of conjunctiva diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B504.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cornea diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B505.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of retina diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B506.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of choroid diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B507.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal duct diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B507000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal sac diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B507100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of nasolacrimal duct diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B507z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal duct NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B508.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlapping lesion of eye and adnexa diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B50y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of eye diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B50z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of eye NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B51..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of brain diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B510.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm cerebrum (excluding lobes and ventricles) diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B510000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of basal ganglia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B510100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cerebral cortex diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B510200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of corpus striatum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B510300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of globus pallidus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B510400 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of hypothalamus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B510500 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of thalamus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B510z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cerebrum NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B5...11 Read/OXMIS Carcinoma of other and unspecified sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B511.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of frontal lobe diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B51..11 Read/OXMIS Cerebral tumour - malignant diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B512.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of temporal lobe diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B512000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of hippocampus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B512100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of uncus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B512z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of temporal lobe NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B513.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of parietal lobe diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B514.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of occipital lobe diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B515.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cerebral ventricles diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B515000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of choroid plexus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B515100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of floor of cerebral ventricle diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B515z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cerebral ventricle NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B516.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cerebellum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B517.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of brain stem diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B517000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cerebral peduncle diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B517100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of medulla oblongata diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B517200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of midbrain diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B517300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pons diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B517z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of brain stem NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B51y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other parts of brain diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B51y000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of corpus callosum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B51y100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of tapetum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B51y200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm; overlapping lesion of brain diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B51yz00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other part of brain NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B51z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of brain NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B52..00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of other and unspecified parts of nervous system diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B520.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cranial nerves diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B520000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of olfactory bulb diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B520100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of optic nerve diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B520200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of acoustic nerve diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B520z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cranial nerves NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B521.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B521000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cerebral dura mater diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B521100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cerebral arachnoid mater diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B521200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cerebral pia mater diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B521z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B522.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of spinal cord diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B523.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of spinal meninges diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B523000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of spinal dura mater diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B523100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of spinal arachnoid mater diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B523200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of spinal pia mater diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B523z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of spinal meninges NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B524.00 Read/OXMIS Malig neopl peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B524000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of head; face & neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B524100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve;upp limb;incl should diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B524200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of low limb; incl hip diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B524300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of thorax diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B524400 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of abdomen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B524500 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of pelvis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B524600 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm;overlap lesion periph nerve & auton ns diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B524W00 Read/OXMIS Mal neoplasm/periph nerves??? nervous system;unspc diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B524X00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm/peripheral nerves of trunk;unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B525.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cauda equina diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B52W.00 Read/OXMIS Malig neopl; overlap lesion brain & other part of CNS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B52X.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of meninges; unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B52y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other specified part of nervous system diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B52z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of nervous system NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B53..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B54..00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of other endocrine glands and related structures diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B540.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B540000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of adrenal cortex diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B540100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of adrenal medulla diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B540.11 Read/OXMIS Phaeochromocytoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B540z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B541.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of parathyroid gland diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B542.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm pituitary gland and craniopharyngeal duct diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B542000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pituitary gland diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B542100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of craniopharyngeal duct diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B542z00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop pituitary gland or craniopharyngeal duct NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B543.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pineal gland diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B544.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of carotid body diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B545.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of aortic body and other paraganglia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B545000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of glomus jugulare diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B545100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of aortic body diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B545200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of coccygeal body diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B545z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of aortic body or paraganglia NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B54X.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm-pluriglandular involvement;unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B54y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other specified endocrine gland diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B54z.00 Read/OXMIS Malig neop of endocrine gland or related structure NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B55..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B550.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of head; neck and face diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B550000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of head NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B550100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of cheek NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B550200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of nose NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B550300 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of jaw NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B550400 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of neck NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B550500 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of supraclavicular fossa NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B550z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of head; neck and face NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B551.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of thorax diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B551000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of axilla NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B551100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of chest wall NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B551200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of intrathoracic site NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B551z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of thorax NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B552.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of abdomen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B553.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pelvis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B553000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of inguinal region NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B553100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of presacral region diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B553200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of sacrococcygeal region diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B553z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of pelvis NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B554.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of upper limb NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B555.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lower limb NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B55y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B55y000 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of back NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B55y100 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of trunk NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B55y200 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of flank NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B55yz00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of specified site NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B55z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of other and ill defined site NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B59zX00 Read/OXMIS Kaposi's sarcoma; unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B6...00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of lymphatic and haemopoietic tissue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B60..00 Read/OXMIS Lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B600.00 Read/OXMIS Reticulosarcoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B600000 Read/OXMIS Reticulosarcoma of unspecified site diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B600100 Read/OXMIS Reticulosarcoma of lymph nodes of head; face and neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B600200 Read/OXMIS Reticulosarcoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B600300 Read/OXMIS Reticulosarcoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B600400 Read/OXMIS Reticulosarcoma of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B600500 Read/OXMIS Reticulosarcoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B600600 Read/OXMIS Reticulosarcoma of intrapelvic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B600700 Read/OXMIS Reticulosarcoma of spleen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B600800 Read/OXMIS Reticulosarcoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B600z00 Read/OXMIS Reticulosarcoma NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B601.00 Read/OXMIS Lymphosarcoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B601000 Read/OXMIS Lymphosarcoma of unspecified site diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B601100 Read/OXMIS Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of head; face and neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B601200 Read/OXMIS Lymphosarcoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B601300 Read/OXMIS Lymphosarcoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B601400 Read/OXMIS Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B601500 Read/OXMIS Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B601600 Read/OXMIS Lymphosarcoma of intrapelvic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B601700 Read/OXMIS Lymphosarcoma of spleen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B601800 Read/OXMIS Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B601z00 Read/OXMIS Lymphosarcoma NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B602.00 Read/OXMIS Burkitt's lymphoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B602000 Read/OXMIS Burkitt's lymphoma of unspecified site diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B602100 Read/OXMIS Burkitt's lymphoma of lymph nodes of head; face and neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B602200 Read/OXMIS Burkitt's lymphoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B602300 Read/OXMIS Burkitt's lymphoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B602400 Read/OXMIS Burkitt's lymphoma of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B602500 Read/OXMIS Burkitt's lymphoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B602600 Read/OXMIS Burkitt's lymphoma of intrapelvic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B602700 Read/OXMIS Burkitt's lymphoma of spleen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B602800 Read/OXMIS Burkitt's lymphoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B602z00 Read/OXMIS Burkitt's lymphoma NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B60y.00 Read/OXMIS Other specified reticulosarcoma or lymphosarcoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B60z.00 Read/OXMIS Reticulosarcoma or lymphosarcoma NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B61..00 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B610.00 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's paragranuloma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B610000 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's paragranuloma of unspecified site diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B610100 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's paragranuloma of lymph nodes of head; face; neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B610200 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's paragranuloma of intrathoracic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B610300 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's paragranuloma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B610400 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's paragranuloma of lymph nodes of axilla and arm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B610500 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's paragranuloma lymph nodes inguinal region and leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B610600 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's paragranuloma of intrapelvic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B610700 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's paragranuloma of spleen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B610800 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's paragranuloma of lymph nodes of multiple sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B610z00 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's paragranuloma NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B6...11 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm of histiocytic tissue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B611.00 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's granuloma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B611000 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's granuloma of unspecified site diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B611100 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's granuloma of lymph nodes of head; face and neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B611200 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's granuloma of intrathoracic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B611300 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's granuloma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B611400 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's granuloma of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B611500 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's granuloma lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B611600 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's granuloma of intrapelvic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B611700 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's granuloma of spleen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B611800 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's granuloma of lymph nodes of multiple sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B611z00 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's granuloma NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B612.00 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's sarcoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B612000 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's sarcoma of unspecified site diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B612100 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's sarcoma of lymph nodes of head; face and neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B612200 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's sarcoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B612300 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's sarcoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B612400 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's sarcoma of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B612500 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's sarcoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B612600 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's sarcoma of intrapelvic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B612700 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's sarcoma of spleen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B612800 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's sarcoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B612z00 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's sarcoma NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B613.00 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease; lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B613000 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's; lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance unspec site diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B613100 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's; lymphocytic-histiocytic pred of head; face; neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B613200 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's; lymphocytic-histiocytic pred intrathoracic nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B613300 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's; lymphocytic-histiocytic pred intra-abdominal node diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B613400 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's; lymphocytic-histiocytic pred axilla and arm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B613500 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's; lymphocytic-histiocytic pred inguinal and leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B613600 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's; lymphocytic-histiocytic pred intrapelvic nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B613700 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's; lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance of spleen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B613800 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's; lymphocytic-histiocytic pred of multiple sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B613z00 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's; lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B614.00 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease; nodular sclerosis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B614000 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease; nodular sclerosis of unspecified site diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B614100 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of head; face and neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B614200 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B614300 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of intra-abdominal lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B614400 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of lymph nodes of axilla and arm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B614500 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of inguinal region and leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B614600 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of intrapelvic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B614700 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease; nodular sclerosis of spleen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B614800 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's nodular sclerosis of lymph nodes of multiple sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B614z00 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease; nodular sclerosis NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B615.00 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease; mixed cellularity diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B615000 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease; mixed cellularity of unspecified site diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B615100 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's mixed cellularity of lymph nodes head; face; neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B615200 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's mixed cellularity of intrathoracic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B615300 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's mixed cellularity of intra-abdominal lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B615400 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's mixed cellularity of lymph nodes of axilla and arm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B615500 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's mixed cellularity of lymph nodes inguinal and leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B615600 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's mixed cellularity of intrapelvic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B615700 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease; mixed cellularity of spleen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B615800 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's mixed cellularity of lymph nodes of multiple sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B615z00 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease; mixed cellularity NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B616.00 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease; lymphocytic depletion diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B616000 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion of unspecified site diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B616100 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion of head; face and neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B616200 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion of intrathoracic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B616300 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion intra-abdominal lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B616400 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion lymph nodes axilla and arm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B616500 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion lymph nodes inguinal and leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B616600 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion of intrapelvic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B616700 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease; lymphocytic depletion of spleen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B616800 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's lymphocytic depletion lymph nodes multiple sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B616z00 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease; lymphocytic depletion NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B61z.00 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B61z000 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease NOS; unspecified site diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B61z100 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease NOS of lymph nodes of head; face and neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B61z200 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease NOS of intrathoracic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B61z300 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease NOS of intra-abdominal lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B61z400 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease NOS of lymph nodes of axilla and arm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B61z500 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease NOS of lymph nodes inguinal region and leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B61z600 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease NOS of intrapelvic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B61z700 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease NOS of spleen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B61z800 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease NOS of lymph nodes of multiple sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B61zz00 Read/OXMIS Hodgkin's disease NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62..00 Read/OXMIS Other malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B620.00 Read/OXMIS Nodular lymphoma (Brill - Symmers disease) diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B620000 Read/OXMIS Nodular lymphoma of unspecified site diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B620100 Read/OXMIS Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of head; face and neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B620.11 Read/OXMIS Reticulosarcoma - follicular or nodular diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B620200 Read/OXMIS Nodular lymphoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B620300 Read/OXMIS Nodular lymphoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B620400 Read/OXMIS Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B620500 Read/OXMIS Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B620600 Read/OXMIS Nodular lymphoma of intrapelvic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B620700 Read/OXMIS Nodular lymphoma of spleen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B620800 Read/OXMIS Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B620z00 Read/OXMIS Nodular lymphoma NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B621.00 Read/OXMIS Mycosis fungoides diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B621000 Read/OXMIS Mycosis fungoides of unspecified site diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B621100 Read/OXMIS Mycosis fungoides of the lymph nodes of head; face and neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B621200 Read/OXMIS Mycosis fungoides of intrathoracic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B621300 Read/OXMIS Mycosis fungoides of intra-abdominal lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B621400 Read/OXMIS Mycosis fungoides of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B621500 Read/OXMIS Mycosis fungoides of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B621600 Read/OXMIS Mycosis fungoides of intrapelvic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B621700 Read/OXMIS Mycosis fungoides of spleen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B621800 Read/OXMIS Mycosis fungoides of lymph nodes of multiple sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B621z00 Read/OXMIS Mycosis fungoides NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B622.00 Read/OXMIS Sezary's disease diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B622000 Read/OXMIS Sezary's disease of unspecified site diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B622100 Read/OXMIS Sezary's disease of lymph nodes of head; face and neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B622200 Read/OXMIS Sezary's disease of intrathoracic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B622300 Read/OXMIS Sezary's disease of intra-abdominal lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B622400 Read/OXMIS Sezary's disease of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B622500 Read/OXMIS Sezary's disease of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B622600 Read/OXMIS Sezary's disease of intrapelvic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B622700 Read/OXMIS Sezary's disease of spleen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B622800 Read/OXMIS Sezary's disease of lymph nodes of multiple sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B622z00 Read/OXMIS Sezary's disease NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B623.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant histiocytosis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B623000 Read/OXMIS Malignant histiocytosis of unspecified site diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B623100 Read/OXMIS Malignant histiocytosis of lymph nodes head; face and neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B623200 Read/OXMIS Malignant histiocytosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B623300 Read/OXMIS Malignant histiocytosis of intra-abdominal lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B623400 Read/OXMIS Malignant histiocytosis of lymph nodes of axilla and arm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B623500 Read/OXMIS Malignant histiocytosis of lymph nodes inguinal and leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B623600 Read/OXMIS Malignant histiocytosis of intrapelvic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B623700 Read/OXMIS Malignant histiocytosis of spleen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B623800 Read/OXMIS Malignant histiocytosis of lymph nodes of multiple sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B623z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant histiocytosis NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B624.00 Read/OXMIS Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B624000 Read/OXMIS Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis of unspecified sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B624100 Read/OXMIS Leukaemic reticuloend of lymph nodes of head; face and neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B624.11 Read/OXMIS Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B624200 Read/OXMIS Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B624300 Read/OXMIS Leukaemic reticuloend of intra-abdominal lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B624400 Read/OXMIS Leukaemic reticuloend of lymph nodes of axilla and arm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B624500 Read/OXMIS Leukaemic reticuloend of lymph nodes inguinal region and leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B624600 Read/OXMIS Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis of intrapelvic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B624700 Read/OXMIS Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis of spleen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B624800 Read/OXMIS Leukaemic reticuloend of lymph nodes of multiple sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B624z00 Read/OXMIS Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B625.00 Read/OXMIS Letterer-Siwe disease diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B625000 Read/OXMIS Letterer-Siwe disease of unspecified sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B625100 Read/OXMIS Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of head; face and neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B625.11 Read/OXMIS Histiocytosis X (acute; progressive) diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B625200 Read/OXMIS Letterer-Siwe disease of intrathoracic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B625300 Read/OXMIS Letterer-Siwe disease of intra-abdominal lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B625400 Read/OXMIS Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of axilla and arm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B625500 Read/OXMIS Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes inguinal region and leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B625600 Read/OXMIS Letterer-Siwe disease of intrapelvic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B625700 Read/OXMIS Letterer-Siwe disease of spleen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B625800 Read/OXMIS Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of multiple sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B625z00 Read/OXMIS Letterer-Siwe disease NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B626.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant mast cell tumours diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B626000 Read/OXMIS Mast cell malignancy of unspecified site diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B626100 Read/OXMIS Mast cell malignancy of lymph nodes of head; face and neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B626200 Read/OXMIS Mast cell malignancy of intrathoracic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B626300 Read/OXMIS Mast cell malignancy of intra-abdominal lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B626400 Read/OXMIS Mast cell malignancy of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B626500 Read/OXMIS Mast cell malignancy of lymph nodes inguinal region and leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B626600 Read/OXMIS Mast cell malignancy of intrapelvic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B626700 Read/OXMIS Mast cell malignancy of spleen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B626800 Read/OXMIS Mast cell malignancy of lymph nodes of multiple sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B626z00 Read/OXMIS Malignant mast cell tumour NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B627.00 Read/OXMIS Non - Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B627000 Read/OXMIS Follicular non-Hodgkin's small cleaved cell lymphoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B627100 Read/OXMIS Follicular non-Hodg mixed sml cleavd & lge cell lymphoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B627200 Read/OXMIS Follicular non-Hodgkin's large cell lymphoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B627300 Read/OXMIS Diffuse non-Hodgkin's small cell (diffuse) lymphoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B627400 Read/OXMIS Diffuse non-Hodgkin's small cleaved cell (diffuse) lymphoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B627500 Read/OXMIS Diffuse non-Hodgkin mixed sml & lge cell (diffuse) lymphoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B627600 Read/OXMIS Diffuse non-Hodgkin's immunoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B627700 Read/OXMIS Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B627800 Read/OXMIS Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma undifferentiated (diffuse) diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B627C00 Read/OXMIS Follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B627C11 Read/OXMIS Follicular lymphoma NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B627D00 Read/OXMIS Diffuse non-Hodgkin's centroblastic lymphoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B627W00 Read/OXMIS Unspecified B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B627X00 Read/OXMIS Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62x.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant lymphoma otherwise specified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62x000 Read/OXMIS T-zone lymphoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62x100 Read/OXMIS Lymphoepithelioid lymphoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62x200 Read/OXMIS Peripheral T-cell lymphoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62x300 Read/OXMIS Malignant reticuloendotheliosis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62x400 Read/OXMIS Malignant reticulosis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62x500 Read/OXMIS Malignant immunoproliferative small intestinal disease diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62x600 Read/OXMIS True histiocytic lymphoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62xX00 Read/OXMIS Oth and unspecif peripheral & cutaneous T-cell lymphomas diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62y.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant lymphoma NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62y000 Read/OXMIS Malignant lymphoma NOS of unspecified site diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62y100 Read/OXMIS Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph nodes of head; face and neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62y200 Read/OXMIS Malignant lymphoma NOS of intrathoracic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62y300 Read/OXMIS Malignant lymphoma NOS of intra-abdominal lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62y400 Read/OXMIS Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph nodes of axilla and arm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62y500 Read/OXMIS Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph node inguinal region and leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62y600 Read/OXMIS Malignant lymphoma NOS of intrapelvic lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62y700 Read/OXMIS Malignant lymphoma NOS of spleen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62y800 Read/OXMIS Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph nodes of multiple sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62yz00 Read/OXMIS Malignant lymphoma NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62z.00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62z000 Read/OXMIS Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of unspecified site diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62z100 Read/OXMIS Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic lymph node head/neck diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62z200 Read/OXMIS Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of intrathoracic node diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62z300 Read/OXMIS Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic intra-abdominal nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62z400 Read/OXMIS Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic lymph node axilla/arm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62z500 Read/OXMIS Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic nodes inguinal/leg diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62z600 Read/OXMIS Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of intrapelvic nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62z700 Read/OXMIS Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of spleen diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62z800 Read/OXMIS Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of multiple sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62zz00 Read/OXMIS Lymphoid and histiocytic malignancy NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B62zz11 Read/OXMIS Immunoproliferative neoplasm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B63..00 Read/OXMIS Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasms diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B630.00 Read/OXMIS Multiple myeloma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B630000 Read/OXMIS Malignant plasma cell neoplasm; extramedullary plasmacytoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B630100 Read/OXMIS Solitary myeloma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B630.11 Read/OXMIS Kahler's disease diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B630.12 Read/OXMIS Myelomatosis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B630200 Read/OXMIS Plasmacytoma NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B630300 Read/OXMIS Lambda light chain myeloma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B631.00 Read/OXMIS Plasma cell leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B63y.00 Read/OXMIS Other immunoproliferative neoplasms diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B63z.00 Read/OXMIS Immunoproliferative neoplasm or myeloma NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B64..00 Read/OXMIS Lymphoid leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B640.00 Read/OXMIS Acute lymphoid leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B641.00 Read/OXMIS Chronic lymphoid leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B64..11 Read/OXMIS Lymphatic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B641.11 Read/OXMIS Chronic lymphatic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B642.00 Read/OXMIS Subacute lymphoid leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B64y.00 Read/OXMIS Other lymphoid leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B64y000 Read/OXMIS Aleukaemic lymphoid leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B64y100 Read/OXMIS Prolymphocytic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B64y200 Read/OXMIS Adult T-cell leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B64yz00 Read/OXMIS Other lymphoid leukaemia NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B64z.00 Read/OXMIS Lymphoid leukaemia NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B65..00 Read/OXMIS Myeloid leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B650.00 Read/OXMIS Acute myeloid leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B651.00 Read/OXMIS Chronic myeloid leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B651000 Read/OXMIS Chronic eosinophilic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B651.11 Read/OXMIS Chronic granulocytic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B651200 Read/OXMIS Chronic neutrophilic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B651z00 Read/OXMIS Chronic myeloid leukaemia NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B652.00 Read/OXMIS Subacute myeloid leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B653.00 Read/OXMIS Myeloid sarcoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B653000 Read/OXMIS Chloroma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B653100 Read/OXMIS Granulocytic sarcoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B653z00 Read/OXMIS Myeloid sarcoma NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B65y.00 Read/OXMIS Other myeloid leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B65y000 Read/OXMIS Aleukaemic myeloid leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B65y100 Read/OXMIS Acute promyelocytic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B65yz00 Read/OXMIS Other myeloid leukaemia NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B65z.00 Read/OXMIS Myeloid leukaemia NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B66..00 Read/OXMIS Monocytic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B660.00 Read/OXMIS Acute monocytic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B661.00 Read/OXMIS Chronic monocytic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B66..11 Read/OXMIS Histiocytic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B66..12 Read/OXMIS Monoblastic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B662.00 Read/OXMIS Subacute monocytic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B66y.00 Read/OXMIS Other monocytic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B66y000 Read/OXMIS Aleukaemic monocytic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B66yz00 Read/OXMIS Other monocytic leukaemia NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B66z.00 Read/OXMIS Monocytic leukaemia NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B67..00 Read/OXMIS Other specified leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B670.00 Read/OXMIS Acute erythraemia and erythroleukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B670.11 Read/OXMIS Di Guglielmo's disease diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B671.00 Read/OXMIS Chronic erythraemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B671.11 Read/OXMIS Heilmeyer - Schoner disease diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B672.00 Read/OXMIS Megakaryocytic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B672.11 Read/OXMIS Thrombocytic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B673.00 Read/OXMIS Mast cell leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B674.00 Read/OXMIS Acute panmyelosis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B675.00 Read/OXMIS Acute myelofibrosis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B67y.00 Read/OXMIS Other and unspecified leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B67y000 Read/OXMIS Lymphosarcoma cell leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B67yz00 Read/OXMIS Other and unspecified leukaemia NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B67z.00 Read/OXMIS Other specified leukaemia NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B68..00 Read/OXMIS Leukaemia of unspecified cell type diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B680.00 Read/OXMIS Acute leukaemia NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B681.00 Read/OXMIS Chronic leukaemia NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B682.00 Read/OXMIS Subacute leukaemia NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B68y.00 Read/OXMIS Other leukaemia of unspecified cell type diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B68z.00 Read/OXMIS Leukaemia NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B69..00 Read/OXMIS Myelomonocytic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B690.00 Read/OXMIS Acute myelomonocytic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B691.00 Read/OXMIS Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B692.00 Read/OXMIS Subacute myelomonocytic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B6y..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm lymphatic or haematopoietic tissue OS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B6y0.00 Read/OXMIS Myeloproliferative disorder diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B6y0.11 Read/OXMIS Myeloproliferative disease diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B6y1.00 Read/OXMIS Myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B6y1.11 Read/OXMIS Megakaryocytic myelosclerosis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B6z..00 Read/OXMIS Malignant neoplasm lymphatic or haematopoietic tissue NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
B6z0.00 Read/OXMIS Kaposi's sarcoma of lymph nodes diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
By...00 Read/OXMIS Neoplasms otherwise specified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu..00 Read/OXMIS [X]Additional neoplasm classification terms diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu0.00 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm of lip; oral cavity and pharynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu1.00 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm of digestive organs diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu1000 Read/OXMIS [X]Other sarcomas of the liver diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu1100 Read/OXMIS [X]Other specified carcinomas of liver diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu1200 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm of intestinal tract; part unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu1300 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplsm/ill-defin sites within digestive system diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu2.00 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic orga diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu2000 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm of bronchus or lung; unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu2100 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm/overlap lesion/heart;mediastinm?? diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu2200 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm/upper resp tract; part unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu2300 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neopl/overlapping les/resp???? organs diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu2400 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm/ill-defined sites within resp system diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu2500 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm of mediastinum; part unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu3.00 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu3000 Read/OXMIS [X]Mal neoplasm/overlap lesion/bone??? cartilage/limb diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu3100 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm/bones??? cartilage/limb;unspfd diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu3200 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm/overlap lesion/bone??? cartilage diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu3300 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm/bone??? cartilage; unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu4.00 Read/OXMIS [X]Melanoma and other malignant neoplasms of skin diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu4000 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant melanoma of other???? parts of face diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu4100 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant melanoma of skin; unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu4200 Read/OXMIS [X]Oth malignant neoplasm/skin of oth??? parts of face diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu4300 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm of skin; unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu5.00 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm of mesothelial and soft tissue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu5000 Read/OXMIS [X]Mesothelioma of other sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu5011 Read/OXMIS [X]Mesothelioma of lung diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu5100 Read/OXMIS [X]Mesothelioma; unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu5200 Read/OXMIS [X]Kaposi's sarcoma of multiple organs diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu5300 Read/OXMIS [X]Kaposi's sarcoma; unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu5400 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm/peripheral nerves of trunk;unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu5500 Read/OXMIS [X]Mal neoplasm/overlap les/periph nerv??? nerv systm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu5600 Read/OXMIS [X]Mal neoplasm/periph nerves??? nervous system;unspc diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu5700 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm of peritoneum; unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu5800 Read/OXMIS [X]Mal neoplasm/connective? tissue of trunk;unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu5900 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm/connective soft tissue;unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu5A00 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion of skin diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu6.00 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm of breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu7.00 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm of female genital organs diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu7000 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm of uterine adnexa; unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu7100 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm/other specified female genital organs diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu7200 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm/overlapping lesion/feml genital organs diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu7300 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm of female genital organ; unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu8.00 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm of male genital organs diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu8000 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm/other specified male genital organs diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu8100 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm/overlapping lesion/male genital organs diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu8200 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm of male genital organ; unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu9.00 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm of urinary tract diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Byu9000 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm of urinary organ; unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuA.00 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm of eye; brain and other parts of cent diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuA000 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm/other and unspecified cranial nerves diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuA100 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm/central nervous system; unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuA200 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm of meninges; unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuA300 Read/OXMIS [X]Malig neopl; overlap lesion brain & other part of CNS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuC000 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuD.00 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasms of lymphoid; haematopoietic and rela diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuD000 Read/OXMIS [X]Other Hodgkin's disease diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuD100 Read/OXMIS [X]Other types of follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuD200 Read/OXMIS [X]Other types of diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuD300 Read/OXMIS [X]Other specified types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuD400 Read/OXMIS [X]Other malignant immunoproliferative diseases diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuD500 Read/OXMIS [X]Other lymphoid leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuD600 Read/OXMIS [X]Other myeloid leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuD700 Read/OXMIS [X]Other monocytic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuD800 Read/OXMIS [X]Other specified leukaemias diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuD900 Read/OXMIS [X]Other leukaemia of unspecified cell type diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuDA00 Read/OXMIS [X]Oth spcf mal neoplsm/lymphoid;haematopoietic? tissue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuDC00 Read/OXMIS [X]Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; unspecified diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuDD00 Read/OXMIS [X]Oth and unspecif peripheral & cutaneous T-cell lymphomas diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuDE00 Read/OXMIS [X]Unspecified B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuDF00 Read/OXMIS [X]Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; unspecified type diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuDF11 Read/OXMIS [X]Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuE.00 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasms/independent (primary) multiple sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ByuE000 Read/OXMIS [X]Malignant neoplasms/independent(primary)multiple sites diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
Bz...00 Read/OXMIS Neoplasms NOS diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10.00 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10000 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malig neop of gastrointestinal tract diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10011 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of anus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10012 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malig neop of gastrointestinal tract diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10013 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of intestine diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10014 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of large intestine diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10015 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of liver diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10016 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of oesophagus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10017 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of rectum diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10018 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of stomach diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10019 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of tongue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10100 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malig neop of trachea/bronchus/lung diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10111 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of bronchus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10112 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of lung diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10113 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of trachea diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10200 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malig neop other intrathoracic organ diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10211 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm - accessory sinus diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10212 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of larynx diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10213 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of middle ear diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10214 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of nose diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10300 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of breast diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10400 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of genital organ diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10411 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10412 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of genital organ diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10413 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history malignant neoplasm - male genital organ diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10414 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of ovary diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10415 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of prostate diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10416 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of testis diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10417 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of uterine body diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10500 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of urinary organ diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10511 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of bladder diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10512 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of kidney diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10513 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of kidney diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10600 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10611 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of lymphoid leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10612 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of monocytic leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10613 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of myeloid leukaemia diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10700 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history other lymphatic/haematopoietic neoplasm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10711 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of Hodgkin's disease diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10712 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of lymphosarcoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10713 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of other haematopoietic neoplasm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10714 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of reticulosarcoma diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10y00 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of other specified malignant neoplasm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10y11 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of bone diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10y12 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of brain diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10y13 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of eye diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10y14 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of skin diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10y15 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of thyroid diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10y16 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of malignant neoplasm of tongue diagnostic res27: Cancer 2
ZV10z00 Read/OXMIS [V]Personal history of unspecified malignant neoplasm diagnostic res27: Cancer 2

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