An online clinical codes repository to improve validity and reproducibility of medical database research

Research article:

Adaptation and validation of the Charlson Index for Read/OXMIS coded databases


Nada F Khan, Rafael Perera, Stephen Harper, Peter W Rose(2010) Adaptation and validation of the Charlson Index for Read/OXMIS coded databases. BMC Family Practice, doi: 10.1186/1471-2296-11-1

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Background The Charlson comorbidity index is widely used in ICD-9 administrative data, however, there is no translation for Read/OXMIS coded data despite increasing use of the General Practice Research Database (GPRD). Our main objective was to translate the Charlson index for use with Read/OXMIS coded data such as the GPRD and test its association with mortality. We also aimed to provide a version of the comorbidity index for other researchers using similar datasets. Methods Two clinicians translated the Charlson index into Read/OXMIS codes. We tested the association between comorbidity score and increased mortality in 146 441 patients from the GPRD using proportional hazards models. Results This Read/OXMIS translation of the Charlson index contains 3156 codes. Our validation showed a strong positive association between Charlson score and age. Cox proportional models show a positive increasing association with mortality and Charlson score. The discrimination of the logistic regression model for mortality was good (AUC = 0.853). Conclusion We have translated a commonly used comorbidity index into Read/OXMIS for use in UK primary care databases. The translated index showed a good discrimination in our study population. This is the first study to develop a co-morbidity index for use with the Read/OXMIS coding system and the GPRD. A copy of the co-morbidity index is provided for other researchers using similar databases.
Author for correspondence
Nada F Khan
Email for correspondence

Code list: res27: Peripheral vascular disease

62 codes in list

Code Coding system Description Entity type List name Charlson score weight
14AE.00 Read/OXMIS H/O: aortic aneurysm diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
14NB.00 Read/OXMIS H/O: Peripheral vascular disease procedure diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
2I16.00 Read/OXMIS O/E - gangrene diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
4410N Read/OXMIS DISSECTION AORTA diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
4419 Read/OXMIS AORTIC ANEURYSM diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
4430G Read/OXMIS SYMMETRICAL GANGRENE EXTREMITIES diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
4439A Read/OXMIS INTERMITTENT CLAUDICATION diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
4439GD Read/OXMIS PVD (PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DISEASE) diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
4459CR Read/OXMIS ULCER WITH GANGRENE diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
4459FT Read/OXMIS GANGRENE FOOT diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
4459N Read/OXMIS GANGRENE diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
4459TE Read/OXMIS GANGRENE TOE diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
6075GM Read/OXMIS SCROTAL GANGRENE diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
7A11211 Read/OXMIS Y graft of abdominal Aortic aneurysm (emergency) diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
7A11311 Read/OXMIS Y graft abdominal Aortic aneurysm diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
7A13.11 Read/OXMIS Emergency repair of aortic aneurysm diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
7A13411 Read/OXMIS Tube graft abdominal Aortic aneurysm (emergency) diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
7A14.11 Read/OXMIS Aortic aneurysm repair diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
7A14411 Read/OXMIS Tube graft of Abdominal aortic aneurysm diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
C107.12 Read/OXMIS Diabetes with gangrene diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
g71..00 Read/OXMIS Aortic aneurysm diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G71..00 Read/OXMIS Aortic aneurysm diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G710.00 Read/OXMIS Dissecting aortic aneurysm diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G711.00 Read/OXMIS Thoracic aortic aneurysm which has ruptured diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G711.11 Read/OXMIS Ruptured thoracic aortic aneurysm diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G712.00 Read/OXMIS Thoracic aortic aneurysm without mention of rupture diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G713.00 Read/OXMIS Abdominal aortic aneurysm which has ruptured diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G713000 Read/OXMIS Ruptured suprarenal aortic aneurysm diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G713.11 Read/OXMIS Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G714.00 Read/OXMIS Abdominal aortic aneurysm without mention of rupture diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G714000 Read/OXMIS Juxtarenal aortic aneurysm diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G714100 Read/OXMIS Inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysm diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G714.11 Read/OXMIS AAA - Abdominal aortic aneurysm without mention of rupture diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G715.00 Read/OXMIS Ruptured aortic aneurysm NOS diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G715000 Read/OXMIS Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm; ruptured diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G716.00 Read/OXMIS Aortic aneurysm without mention of rupture NOS diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G716000 Read/OXMIS Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm; without mention of rupture diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G718.00 Read/OXMIS Leaking abdominal aortic aneurysm diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G71z.00 Read/OXMIS Aortic aneurysm NOS diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G73..00 Read/OXMIS Other peripheral vascular disease diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G73..11 Read/OXMIS Peripheral ischaemic vascular disease diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G731100 Read/OXMIS Presenile gangrene diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G732.00 Read/OXMIS Peripheral gangrene diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G732000 Read/OXMIS Gangrene of toe diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G732100 Read/OXMIS Gangrene of foot diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G732200 Read/OXMIS Gangrene of finger diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G732300 Read/OXMIS Gangrene of thumb diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G732400 Read/OXMIS Gangrene of hand diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G73y.00 Read/OXMIS Other specified peripheral vascular disease diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G73yz00 Read/OXMIS Other specified peripheral vascular disease NOS diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G73z.00 Read/OXMIS Peripheral vascular disease NOS diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G73z000 Read/OXMIS Intermittent claudication diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G73z011 Read/OXMIS Claudication diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
G73zz00 Read/OXMIS Peripheral vascular disease NOS diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
Gyu7100 Read/OXMIS [X]Aortic aneurysm of unspecified site; ruptured diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
Gyu7200 Read/OXMIS [X]Aortic aneurysm of unspecified site; nonruptured diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
Gyu7400 Read/OXMIS [X]Other specified peripheral vascular diseases diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
R054.00 Read/OXMIS [D]Gangrene diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
R054000 Read/OXMIS [D]Gangrene; spreading cutaneous diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
R054200 Read/OXMIS [D]Gangrene of toe in diabetic diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
R054300 Read/OXMIS [D]Widespread diabetic foot gangrene diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1
R054z00 Read/OXMIS [D]Gangrene NOS diagnostic res27: Peripheral vascular disease 1

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